Lincoln log history Begin In 1974, Pastor Garland Faw founded Lincoln Log Homes . After encountering his first log home during a family trip in the mountains of Tennessee, he immediately became interested in this unique style of home. At the time, there were many problems in the industry. Logs were of uneven size and circumference; they had a rough finish; and there was a tremendous wait time when ordering a log home.
Pastor Faw was led by the Lord to begin Lincoln Log Homes. Forty eight years later, Lincoln Logs is one of the most recognized names among the industries’ elite. If you would like to read the full history of how he came about the founding of Lincoln Logs, please click here.
We believe you will enjoy reading it, as it details how the same traditional values that have made our country great were incorporated into Lincoln log homes . These same principles and values continue to be a part of Lincoln Log Homes and always will be.